If you have startup ideas or looking for an agency that can help you with software development services. We now also offer software development services for you, such as:

🧑‍💻 Service Design and MVP Building (Lean Service Creation)
🧑‍💻 Rapid Prototyping (Figma) - One week sprints
🧑‍💻 Front-end and back-end development (TypeScript, NodeJS, React, NextJS, Python)
🧑‍💻 Headless CMS websites and apps (Content, StoryBlock)
🧑‍💻 AI and ML for natural language processing (Pytorch, Spacy)
🧑‍💻 Cloud and DevOps (AWS, Github CI)

SME companies can qualify for an innovation voucher (€6,000 grant) or ELY's development services (75% grant).

Get in touch and tell us more about the pain we can help you with! For more information contact our Customer Support Manager, Barsha (info@unelmaplatforms.com).